Who doesn’t like free food?

I’m sure that most of you appreciate the value of quality organic food produced locally. But lots of us are too stressed for time to prepare a nutritional delight for every single meal, not to mention frustrated over how quickly produce can go bad. So lots of us turn to what I call “convenience foods” - snacks that are packed with preservatives, sugar, and processed ingredients made with only profit in mind. That’s why I was delighted when I discovered WildMade™!

Founders Lisa and John are passionate about making eating organic fruits and veggies fun and convenient while maximizing nutritional density. WildMade™ makes sustainability, energy efficiency, reducing food waste, and pure ingredients their priorities, even when giving back to local community initiatives. Their snacks are USDA Certified Organic, Non-GMO, contain no added sugar, are vegan and gluten-free, and are packed with nutritionally-diverse fruits and vegetables.

Did I mention that they also taste AMAZING!?

Intrigued?? Well, you’re in luck. The first 100 people who sign up will receive a sample of these awesome Veggie Go’s - FOR FREE!!

Get your Free WildMade™ Snacks!

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Why I'm pumped about them now

This Halloween is going to be different. Many of you are used to having tons of kids come to your doorstep expecting chocolates and candy loaded with sugar. With Covid-19 restrictions, things are bound to be extremely limited with who comes to your home, or who you go to visit, in order to protect everyone's health. But let's not use this year as Halloween as an excuse to undo all the changes we've made in making public health a priority. This year, we'll be giving out these delicious fruit snacks to the few kids we've arranged to physically-distance trick-or-treating with us! They are the perfect size for a Halloween treat, and come in enough variety and flavours that it's fun to give in abundance!

Besides being a healthier alternative to traditional Halloween candy, I would personally rather spend my money supporting a family-owned producer of organic foods than multinational corporations.

This Halloween, let’s don’t just do good. Let’s do better!

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